A Taste of Limmud

In Hebrew, Limmud means “learning”- and that’s what they are all about. Limmud is a community that creates spaces and places so that you can craft your own Jewish experience, explore your connection to Jewish ideas and tradition, and meet people who share your curiosity and enthusiasm.

Limmud AZ is a gathering of hundreds of Jews from all walks of life, all Jewish backgrounds, all lifestyles and all ages that offers a full schedule of workshops, discussions, arts, music, performances, text-study sessions, and much more – all planned by the Limmud AZ community of volunteers. Limmud AZ is a full day program to be held on Sunday, February 11, 2018 from 9 am to 5 pm at Arizona State University in the Conference Center at the Memorial Union in Tempe.

On November 16 from 7-9 pm at Temple Solel in Paradise Valley, Limmud will be hosting “Taste of Limmud” – a one-night mini Limmud event that will give you a “taste” of what is to come at the February Limmud AZ event. The event is $18 per person which includes the program and dessert reception.

For tickets to either Taste of Limmud or Limmud AZ, visit limmudaz.org.

There will be three special sessions for attendees to choose from in addition to a keynote address for all by Rabbi Daniel Cohen. The sessions are:

Changing the World from the Inside-Out!

How does one change the world? Is it through meditation, or prayer, or activism, or rigorous learning? How about all the above!  In this dynamic lecture meant to inspire both heart and mind, explore the techniques, philosophy and spiritual resources necessary to change the world… from the inside, out!

Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz, President & Dean of Valley Beit Midrash


Who’s in Your Circle? Exploring the Talmudic Stories of Honi Ha-maagal

Many children know the stories of Rabbi Honi the Circle Drawer, who brings rain to drought-stricken areas, who meets an old man planting a carob tree, and who falls asleep for 70 years. But his is much more than a folk tale. It is a profound analysis about the relationship between individuals and their communities. We’ll explore the lessons these stories have for our own society.

Rabbi Tracee Rosen, rabbi of Beth Emeth Congregation, Sun City West


Judaism and Gratitude

Did you know that the Hebrew word for Jew comes from the word for gratitude? As we enter a time of thanks-giving in our secular society, we’ll explore the Jewish roots of gratitude. Through text study, experience of song, and personal reflection, we’ll discover together how Judaism has understood gratitude through the ages and how it can help us cultivate thankfulness in our day to day lives.

Rabbi Emily Langowitz, assistant rabbi at Temple Solel in Paradise Valley


What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone:  Creating a Life of Legacy

Each of us, at some point, wakes up to the reality that our time on earth is limited. But how do we lead our lives with a sense of urgency every day? How do we develop the courage to make choices not based on pressure but on principle? How do we create the sacred space to reflect on who we are and who we want to be so we can realize our innermost goals and dreams? Through a unique blend of storytelling, practical exercises, and profound wisdom, Rabbi Daniel Cohen will teach seven transformative principles to reverse engineer your life so that you are living with purpose and passion, so that the person you are today more closely aligns with the person you aspire to be.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen is popular motivator, mentor and inspirational speaker


When: Nov. 16, 7-9 pm
Where: Temple Solel, 6805 E. McDonald Dr,  Paradise Valley
Tickets: $18
Info: limmudaz.org

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