Summer Fun


Summer fun after the sun goes down

Pictured above: The Mystery Room inside the Arizona Biltmore requires a password to gain entry. Anyone who has lived in the Valley during the summer knows that your daytime activities involve moving from one air-conditioned environment to the next. One can get a version of “cabin fever” like our blizzard-bound friends in the Midwest. When…


Summer reading, had me a blast

Pictured above: This summer, grab a beach towel and an armful of books and head for the beach, the pool, your backyard or … Every summer I catch up on stacks of books that I haven’t found the time to read. Somehow more hours of daylight always translates into longer hours of activity – and…


Staycation & Summer Fun Directory

Bodies Revealed 9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale 480-291-8000 • This limited time exhibition offers an intimate and informative view into the human body. Using an innovative preservation process, the exhibition allows visitors to see the human body’s inner beauty in educational and awe-inspiring ways. This exhibition has over 200 actual human bodies and specimens…


Splashin’ Summer Fun

Remember one of the best parts of summer as a kid was running through the sprinkler? The modern version of that experience is the splash pad. You can let the kids cool off (or join them!) without having to find a pool. Enjoy! Check on one of the websites below to find a park with…


Purple mountain majesties

Did you know that Arizona claims a  precious gemstone, of which there is only one known source on the planet, as its own? Siberian Red is a type of amethyst originally discovered in the Ural Mountains on the other side of the globe. It is purple, like most natural amethyst that typically originates from South…


Staycations & Summer Fun Directory

Butterfly Wonderland 9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale 480-800-3000 • Visit America’s largest butterfly pavilion with more than 3,000 butterflies from around the world. Other exhibits include a butterfly emergence gallery, 3D theater, Honey Bee Extravaganza, Spineless Giants, Rainforest Reptile exhibit and Tropical Waters of the World. Children’s Museum Tucson 200 S. Sixth Ave.,…

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