Limmud AZ features a day of learning in Tempe

Limmud means “to learn” and is an international movement that began in Great Britain in 1980. Today, there are more than 80 Limmud communities in 40 countries, including Israel, and in 21 cities in North America. The fourth annual Limmud AZ will be held on Feb. 11 at the Memorial Union Conference Center on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe.

Last year, more than 400 people attended the day-long event of Jewish learning. This year, Limmud will feature more than 50 presenters from all walks of Jewish life who will speak on a wide range of topics.

“We filter our classes by type,” explains Sandy Adler, Limmud AZ teams leader. “There is Arts & Culture, Israel, Jewish Experience, Jewish Learning, Lifecycle, Our Bodies/Ourselves, Sacred Texts and Tikkun Olan/Social Justice.”

The day runs from 9 am-4 pm and is broken up into five learning periods. Each period offers at least 12 different classes to choose from. The day also includes a kosher lunch and snacks.
There will be all new classes offered this year, so even if you have attended Limmud in the past, no classes have been repeated from prior years. “We are bringing in seven presenters from out of town this year: Jessica Deutch, Iris Krasnow, Naomi Less, Rabbi Naomi Levy, Eve Posen, Lois Shenker and Jessica Nutik ZItter,” says Sandy. “These are people who the community does not usually get the chance to hear speak. There are also a lot of new local teachers, too.”
We are offering another exciting, interesting and informative learning across a wide range of topics and we welcome the entire community. Part of the fun of Limmud is sharing the experience with all kinds of people from our community, not necessarily just people who are in your congregations. It is really to broaden community. We are all teachers and we are all learners.
You can not preregister for Limmud AZ sessions. Classes are available on a first-come, first-served basis, although they have increased the room sizes this year to accommodate larger audiences.

There is also Limmud Kidz available which offers childcare while parents attend their Limmud sessions. Babysitting service is available for children ages 0 – 3 years old and activities are available for those in grades pre-K through 5. There will be a dairy, nut-free lunch and snacks included. Children over the age of 10 may attend Limmud AZ presentations with their parents at the discretion of the parent. For details, contact [email protected].

“We are offering another exciting, interesting and informative learning experience across a wide range of topics, and we welcome the entire community,” says Sandy. “Part of the fun of Limmud AZ is sharing the experience with all kinds of people from our community – not just people who are in your congregation. It is really to broaden community. We are all teachers, and we are all learners.”

Limmud AZ
When: Sunday, Feb. 11 from 9am to 4 pm
Where: Arizona State University Conference Center at the Memorial Union, 301 E. Orange St., Tempe
Tickets: $50 adults age 40+, $36 adult ages 18-39, $18 college student with I.D., $15 ages 12-18

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