The best gift ever

Arizona Jewish Life’s Contributing Editor Leni Reiss asked people “What was the best Chanukah present you have received?” From precious time with family to adding to a cherished collection, here are their responses:

“When I was six I got a puppy – Scotty – a black and white mixed Collie and German Shepherd. After several years, we gave him to a guy in the Air Force and Scotty became a service dog and earned a commendation for outstanding service.” – Ken Dry

“Every year at Chanukah friends and family have contributed to my dreidel collection. Some of my favorites are a Russian babushka doll and one in Braille. The ones I have made with my kids and grandkids are very special.” — Naomi Goodell


“My second child was due just around Chanukah and I was anxious to welcome the baby and also anxious to get out of my maternity clothes – and had made that clear on several occasions. My sweet husband came up with the idea, of all things, of surprising me for Chanukah with a new maternity outfit. I never did wear it – but I loved his thoughtfulness!” —Saraly Whitefield


“One special gift, a charming ceramic menorah, was from a non-Jewish friend of my daughter. And another present that was great fun was a T-shirt with a menorah that lit up!”— Honeylou Reznik


“At Chanukah time one year my parents told me I was going to have my third baby brother. He was the fifth kid in the family – and was a surprise for us all!” – Jena Olgin



“I got a brown stuffed poodle when I was five years old. My family hadn’t really celebrated the holiday before then so this is a very special memory for me.” – Carol Ginsberg


“The best Chanukah gift and the best gift ever was when my three children and their families all
came home one year from all over the country to celebrate the holiday together. We ate all the
traditional foods and lit the menorah together.” – Ruth Shor



“The best gift is the one my husband Larry and I give. Over the holiday we have a latke party with latkes from scratch. The most we have made so far is with 45 pounds’ worth of potatoes. It’s a very coveted invitation!”
Sue Plosker




“My best Chanukah present was when our daughter surprised me and my wife with a family
cruise to the Mediterranean. It was a terrific week visiting ancient ports of call with our daughter, her husband and our 3 grandchildren.” —Mark Bregman

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