ADL Arizona Works with Phoenix PD to Monitor Local Extremist

The ADL was recently notified of Ethan Schmidt (pictured above, left), a right-wing extremist based in the Phoenix metropolitan area who posted a video describing himself as an authoritarian Christian nationalist.

In the video, Schmidt was driving in an undisclosed area announcing that he and his partner are “hunting” LGBTQ+ supporters and people in the area of a local Target retail store.

In a recent video, Schmidt also appeared at a synagogue and church in the Phoenix area where he harassed patrons and students.

Schmidt is a provocateur, knowing how to aggravate situations while staying within his legal first amendment rights. The ADL has communicated with the Phoenix Police Department and has concluded that Schmidt has no plans to target Jewish communities or Jewish communal spaces with anything other than verbal harassment

The ADL was interviewed about Schmidt and his activities by local TV channel 33 Univision in Phoenix on May 26th. Phoenix PD has been in contact with the Target retail store and LGBTQ+ communities, providing them with updated information.

ADL & Phoenix PD recommend that the community remains vigilant and reports any encounter with Schmidt, while also encouraging community members not to engage with him.

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