Chanukah in Review

Photo: Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Rabbi Zalman Levertov and  Congressman Greg Stanton stand in front of the menorah at Biltmore Fashion Park. Photo courtesy Chabad of Arizona.

Arizona Chabad centers arranged and conducted 63 public menorah lightings and celebrations across the state, attended by more than 4,150 people. In attendance were public officials and community leaders. Included in these numbers are the Chabad Centers of Fountain Hills, Glendale, Goodyear, Casa Grande (where the Mayor lit the Menorah), Paradise Valley (where the Mayor lit the Menorah), Flagstaff, Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale, Tucson, Sedona, Prescott, Oro Valley, Sierra Vista and the three State Universities – ASU, U of Arizona and NAU.

Chabad of Greater Phoenix hosted 36 Chanukah events and celebrations, with more than 2,600 attendees. Chabad of Greater Phoenix includes the locations in Phoenix, Anthem, Downtown, North Phoenix – Desert Ridge, South Phoenix, C-Teen of Phoenix, the Friendship Circle, Jewish Care Network, Smile on Seniors, Cheder Lubavitch, Beis Chana High School and Aleph Bet Preschool & Kindergarten. Here are highlights of some of those events:

Biltmore Fashion Park hosted a grand Menorah Lighting Celebration on Sunday, November 28, the first night of Chanukah. In attendance were Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Congressman Greg Stanton, public officials and representatives of many of the local Jewish organizations. The festivities were organized by Chabad Phoenix – Rabbi Dov & Mussie Levertov.

Regional Director of Chabad of Arizona, Rabbi Zalman Levertov, shared a Chanukah Message. Congressman Greg Stanton followed with short remarks and lit the Shamash, the leader candle. Mayor Gallego shared a Chanukah message and then kindled the Menorah.

At Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza by the State Capitol, there was a Menorah Lighting Ceremony on the third night of Chanukah, Tuesday evening, November 30. In attendance were state senators, community leaders and community members. A Chanukah message was shared by Rabbi Dovber Dechter – Chabad of Downtown Phoenix. State Representative Alma Hernandez shared remarks and lit the Shamash, the leader candle.

The Arizona Veterans Home held their first ever Chanukah Menorah Celebration on Sunday, December 5, the last night of Chanukah. Arranged by the First Female Jewish Chaplain, Mrs. Rochel Hayman. The commander of the National Jewish War Veterans, Alan Paley, shared remarks and kindled the Menorah.

A caravan of 65 cars, with Menorahs on their roofs and decorated for Chanukah, traveled with a police escort, from the Arizona State Capital to the Chabad Center in Phoenix. Special thank you to the Phoenix Police Department, The Driver Provider and VIP Taxi. Thank you to Rabbi Levi Levertov for organizing.

Paradise Valley: A Menorah Lighting Ceremony with the Mayor of Paradise Valley kindling the Menorah was followed by an 18 vehicle caravan of cars topped with menorahs traveling through Paradise Valley.

Mesa: A 15 Car Menorah Caravan paraded through Mesa.

Rabbinical College students traveled the state meeting people offering menorah kits, Chanukah brochures and donuts. In addition, they also assisted many of the Chabad Centers with their local programs.

Chabad of Phoenix thanks everyone who contributed and helped with the success of all the Chanukah Programs and Celebrations!

Special Thank You goes to:
To our dear Rebbetzin Mrs Tzipi Levertov for her tireless dedication.
To Meyer & Miriam Litzman for the paper goods and containers for Chanukah and throughout the year.
To Raisa Fastman for taking care of the Kiddush each week.

To Our Volunteers:
The students of Bais Chana High School, Joseph Bacal, Rabbi Buzzy Ajzensmidt, Batya Stein, Chani Schechter, Mussie Diskin, Andrea Silvey, the Rabbinical Students, Tzemach, Yossi, Meir & Shalom Levertov

To Our Chanukah Sponsors:
Sholom & Miriam Liebhaber
Geoffrey Harris
The Groom Room
Dr Todd & Jan Traub
Eric & Denise Davidson
Rabbi Chaim & Risha Majesky

To Our Chanukah Donors:
Levi Catering – Shabbat Dinner, Tzipi Koehler – Donuts, Trader Joes – Latkes (20th St, Shea & Tatum, Frank Lloyd Wright) Safeway (Camelback & 32nd St) Chompies – Challah, Shula Polityko – Artisan Challah

Additional Thanks to:
The Phoenix Police Department, The Driver Provider, VIP Taxi, Biltmore Fashion Park, Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza

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