Debbie Yunker Kail Receives Excellence Award

Debbie Yunker Kail, executive director of ASU Hillel, was named a Richard M. Joel Exemplar of Excellence at Hillel International’s annual Global Assembly on Dec. 14.

Debbie was nominated for the recognition by her peers. The awards, which recognize those who embody Hillel’s culture of excellence, were presented at the global assembly, where nearly 1,000 professionals from around the world joined virtually this year for professional development, networking and continuing education

The award honors professionals in various stages of their careers whose remarkable passion and outstanding devotion to the Jewish campus community enrich Hillel students’ lives and ensure that the organization reflects a culture of excellence, which sets a standard for all Hillel professionals to emulate.
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“These outstanding Hillels and Hillel professionals exemplify the way in which Hillels throughout the world continue to inspire and support students, notwithstanding the profound challenges and disruptions of this past year,” said Hillel International President and CEO Adam Lehman during the global assembly. “We’re always proud of the work of our talented professionals, but especially now given how they’ve reimagined Hillel experiences to meet the unique needs of students during this period.”
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For the past eight years, Debbie has led the team at Arizona State University Hillel. Under her leadership, ASU Hillel has had immense growth in fundraising as well as doubling in staff size, building size and student engagement.

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