Shalom Montessori

Shalom Montessori is a private Jewish Montessori school for students between the ages of 3 and 14. In addition to learning within the framework of the Montessori philosophy and curriculum, which adapts to each student’s unique learning style, students also receive a daily education in Judaism.

Shalom Montessori was founded by Dr. Sarette Zecharia, a psychologist who would oftentimes recommend the Montessori approach in education to parents. She explained, “I would share with parents how important a holistic education was and encouraged parents to place their children in a Montessori setting. It is an amazing approach to teach children who they are, how they learn and how to apply themselves in any academic or life situation as they are taught internal skills.”
Due to her belief in the philosophy and curriculum, she enrolled her own children in a Montessori school. She was prompted to open a Jewish Montessori school after she taught Judaic subjects and gave Hebrew lessons to Jewish students at her children’s school.

Hebrew Education
Shalom Montessori students learn to speak, decipher, decode, write and read Israeli Hebrew–developing fluency throughout the school year. “We really work hard to achieve student fluency in Hebrew,” stated Dr. Zecharia.

Jewish Culture
At Shalom Montessori, Jewish culture is integrated into all subject areas. Teachers spend time before each holiday reviewing the laws, stories and tradition. Understanding and comprehension is reinforced through hands-on and memorable projects. Students also practice derech eretz (modeling and expecting appropriate behavior) to build a safe environment for all students.

“Our entire environment is not just about learning Torah but actually practicing the basic principles daily in our interactions with each other, our thought process and our inclusion. We have integrated the peace and cosmic section of Montessori with Torah, and we are very strong academically. Students who advance to higher grade levels than what we offer consistently demonstrate work two to three grade levels above the standard,” explained Dr. Zecharia.

Secular Education
The school is dedicated to preparing students for lifelong learning by teaching cooperation, challenging intellects, nurturing the desire to learn and engendering self-confidence. Dr. Zecharia said, “Shalom Montessori is one of the only Montessori schools who is accredited by AdvancedEd. This provides parents with the comfort of knowing that when they transfer to another school, their child’s grade level is not in question. It also shows our commitment to continually evaluating and improving the education program we offer.” To emphasize the importance of this credential, she stated, “There is only one other Jewish Montessori school in the United States who provides a similar curriculum and the scope of which we do, and it is in New Jersey.” In addition, the school is affiliated with IMC (International Montessori Council), JMS (Jewish Montessori Society) and RAVSAK, which expresses the school’s commitment to the Montessori and Judaic aspects of the program.

Shalom Montessori
13452 N. Hayden Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 480.626.0676
Email: [email protected]

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