Beginning Hand Drumming

October 31, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Tucson Jewish Community Center
Jewish Community Center
3800 E River Rd, Tucson, AZ 85718
$95/ $89 JCC members, $30 rental fee
Tucson JCC

First of all, hand drumming is good for you, just ask any occupational therapist.  It’s also a great way to be social, and it’s fun, and challenging.  In this class, we will be learning how to play west african and caribbean rhythms,  In order to play these rhythms, we will also have to learn the three basic sounds that a hand drum makes:  open tone, slap, and bass tone.  Primarily, we will be playing conga drums, as well as bell, shekere, low drums, blocks and claves.  Playing together is the real magic, of course…..and we will do a lot of that.

$30 rental fee for conga drum due on the first day of class.  Student will have that drum for the duration of the class.

Instructor:  George Rowe

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