Sculpture Garden Opening Celebration & Brunch

In 2009, the Tucson Jewish Community Center established a Sculpture Garden on its campus with a four-fold purpose in mind: to craft a public space that celebrates the appreciation of sculpture; to create an atmosphere of tranquility; to promote educational opportunities; and to enhance community fellowship. The JCC’s garden currently contains over 40 sculptures by local, national and international sculptors, ranging from a few feet tall to over 30 feet in height. In addition, an annual juried exhibition is held to bring new sculptures to the garden. The landscaped garden showcases outdoor sculpture, offers views of the surrounding mountain ranges and provides a meditative environment within the city limits.

The Tucson J Sculpture Garden acquires and exhibits permanent sculpture through donations to its collection, purchase and donation of pieces from the annual exhibition, and long-term loans. Annual temporary exhibitions ensure the vitality and relevance of the garden on the local, regional and national art scenes. We feature the work of both established and emerging artists.

In accordance with the mission of The Tucson J, the Sculpture Garden welcomes the entire community. The convergence of art and audience in our Sonoran Desert region encourages visitors to relax, converse, meditate and contemplate.

The annual Sculpture Garden Exhibition returns on Sunday, April 8 from 10 am to noon with dynamic work showcasing abstract imagery, nature scenes and portraits. The Tucson Jewish Community Center’s Sculpture Garden, 3800 E. River Road, Tucson is Arizona’s largest public sculpture garden. The exhibit was juried by public artist Barbara Grygutis and displays works by Tucson’s finest sculptors. HawkinsDance will perform an interpretive dance inspired by the 2018 Sculpture Garden selections. A kosher brunch buffet will be served.

Sculpture Garden Opening Celebration & Brunch
When: April 8 from 10 am to noon
Where: Tucson Jewish Community Center’s Sculpture Garden, 3800 E. River Road, Tucson
Tickets: $60 per person

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