Daily Archives: March 3, 2021


Gugulethu Moyo: In pursuit of justice

One might question how a girl that grew up in Zimbabwe, earned a law degree from Oxford and married a diplomat, ended up in Tucson, becoming the executive director of the Jewish History Museum and Holocaust History Center. But the answers unfold when you hear Gugulethu “Gugu” Moyo share her incredible journey, and you understand…


Publisher’s Message: Spring, a season of hope

Although the hotter temperatures are just around the corner, we are truly enjoying these cool days as spring begins on March 20. Then, a week later, we will be celebrating the first night of Passover on March 27. It is difficult not to draw some symbolism from these two dates. Spring is associated with new life, and Passover commemorates…


Mt. Sinai: A diamond in the desert

Nestled amid the xeriscape of northeast Phoenix sits “a diamond in the desert,” as Ira Mann, general manager, refers to Mt. Sinai Cemetery. The cemetery opened in 2005, and they are currently in the planning stages for the next 30 years. Mt. Sinai owns more than 30 acres of the land surrounding it and is…


Haggadah history

Photo: A family sits down to the seder in the Sarajevo Haggadah. (COURTESY OF NATIONAL MUSEUM OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA.) It’s always there, printed or photocopied, and as much a part of the Passover Seder as wine, bitter herbs and matzah – but have you ever thought of the origins of the Haggadah? The first-ever…


Why is this wine different from all other wines?

Photo: After establishing a line of kosher wines produced in the Upper Galilee, NBA All-Star Amaré Stoudemire expands his offerings to California in collaboration with Herzog Wine Cellars. With Passover just around the corner (starting sundown on March 27), many people choose to serve wines that are kosher-certified. So, just how different is kosher wine…


Purim and Passover: A Tale of Two Tables

The experience of celebrating Jewish holidays has been dramatically altered since the onset of the pandemic more than a year ago. From solitary Passover Seders to attending High Holiday services in our pajamas on zoom, we have tried our best to stay connected to tradition despite the precautions and restrictions COVID-19 has required. Last week…


Summer camp is back!

Last summer, according to the American Camp Association, only 18% of the country’s overnight camps welcomed kids. Too much was unknown at that point about COVID-19, and restrictions in many states didn’t permit camps to open. This year, camps are looking to welcome kids back, with many of the restrictions we have grown accustomed to:…


Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Camp

  Camp has become a staple of the summer season. Each year, millions of children, youth, and adults head to the hills, lakes, valleys, and parks to participate in the time-honored tradition of camp. And, while most people easily conjure up images of campfires and canoes, there is a lot more to the camp experience….


Emergency Interest-Free Loans Still Available

Jewish Free Loan would like to remind the community that emergency interest-free loans and resources are still available along with traditional interest-free loans. The Community-Wide Disaster Relief Loan Program became available to members of the Jewish community at the start of the pandemic and is still open. This program focuses on making interest-free loans when…

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