Daily Archives: August 29, 2018


Resource Guide 2018-2019: Lifecycle

Jewish life revolves around the cycle of life.
In the Jewish tradition, lifecycle moments from birth to death carry specific rituals, most of which have been used for centuries. These moments truly center us. Following are the resources that will help you celebrate and mark each stage of life. SIMCHA VENUES ARIZONA JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Cutler-Plotkin…


Resource Guide 2018-2019: Kids & Teens

The Jewish people have treasured books and learning for millennia. Even our central prayer, the Shema, includes the
instruction: “Take these words which I command
you this day and teach them faithfully to your
children.” The Jews of Arizona have taken this task to heart. Since the founding of the Phoenix Hebrew Academy in 1965, opportunities for Jewish…


Resource Guide 2018-2019: Actively Senior

We may be in the golden era for aging. People are living longer, and seniors want more choices for living active, fulfilling lives. Abundant opportunities for stimulating educational and social programs are available, along with a wide variety of in-home, independent and assisted living options. The increase in in-home care providers and ways to increase…


Resource Guide 2018-2019: Food

The rules regarding what foods are proper to eat originate in the Bible. The Israelites were given a long list of forbidden foods, including animals that didn’t both chew their cud and have split hooves, rodents, birds of prey, shellfish and fish without fins and scales. Exodus added the restriction: “You shall not boil a…


Resource Guide 2018-2019: Israel

Israel celebrated its 70th anniversary as a modern state on April 19, 2018. Yom Ha’Atzmaut not only marks the dream of restoring Jewish independence in our ancestral homeland, it also celebrates all the great achievements of the last 70 years. Over the past seven decades, Israel has given the world amazing advances from agriculture to…

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