Daily Archives: January 14, 2022


Celebrating the New Year of the Trees

By Rabbi Jeffrey Schesnol Tu B’Shevat is the New Year of the Trees, Rosh Hashanah Haaitzim in Hebrew, or Jewish Arbor Day. Tu B’Shevat occurs in late January or early February, the eleventh Hebrew month of Shevat, this year beginning Sunday, Jan. 16 at sunset. The minor holiday of Tu B’Shevat translated means the fifteenth…


Protecting a citrus tree from the cold

No matter where you live in the Valley or Tucson, chances are you have citrus trees in your neighborhood. Citrus is part of “Arizona’s Five C’s” along with copper, cattle, cotton and climate. Arizona’s most popular agricultural citrus include grapefruit, lemons, limes and oranges. Early irrigation efforts in the 1860s, such as the reconstruction of…

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