
“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Oct 3 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is A Replacement Life by Boris Fishman . Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Nov 7 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is Gertruda’s Oath by Oren Ram (moderator Phyllis Broad). Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Dec 5 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is A Bride for One Night: Talmud Tales by Ruth Calderon (moderator Rabbi Robert Eisen). Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Feb 6 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is My Promised Land by Ari Shavit. Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

“World Wide Wrap” @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Feb 7 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

CAI’s Men’s Club welcomes everyone for “World Wide Wrap,” an annual event that unites men, women and children in learning about wearing tefillin and in prayer in cities around the world.
9:00am (Epstein Chapel) daven and “wrap” with us
9:30am bagels and coffee
10:00am Rabbi Robert Eisen will present, “Mr. Manners Comes to Shul: The Etiquette of a Prayerful Experience.”
This will be a wonderful learning opportunity for all!

“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Mar 5 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is The Unamericans by Molly Antopol. Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

“Read It & Meet” Book Discussion @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Apr 2 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The book selection is Thirteen Days in September by Lawrence Wright, with moderator Lily Brull. Book discussions are held once a month and are open to everyone. We discuss selected books by Jewish authors or with Jewish content, and share our experiences, reactions, and ideas. Moderators facilitate each discussion.

Seder Heder: Adult Studies Kollel & Haroset Tasting @ Congregation Anshei Israel
Apr 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Participate in three rotating “mini” classes, followed by haroset tasting. (Each 20-minute class taught only once.)

  • Rabbi Robert Eisen presents “Korech: The Hillel Sandwich… The Seder as a Remembrance of the Temple”
  • Cantorial Soloist NIchole Chorney presents “Transforming Your Seder into a Song”
  • Rabbi Ruven Barkan presents “The Moss Hagaddah: An Artistic Midrashic Exploration”

Admission: One box of matza per family for the “Matza & More” Passover Food Drive. Please RSVP by Apr. 1.

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