Jewish War Veterans Copper State Post 619 (JWV) will welcome Dana West, Central Arizona Outreach Coordinator for the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS) as its Sunday, January 21st featured speaker. The meeting takes place in the Poolside building at Oakwood Country Club 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd in Sun Lakes. A “Meet & Greet,” with FREE lox and bagels, coffee, and doughnuts starts at 9:30 AM. The speaker follows at 10 AM. All are welcome. Men’s, women’s and children’s clothing in excellent condition will be accepted at 9:15 AM before the meeting begins.
“As Outreach Coordinator for Arizona Department of Veterans Services (ADVS), I am excited to be collaborating with the Jewish War Veterans Sun Lakes Chapter in getting clothing donations to local area shelters. Among those veterans’ charities benefiting from this event are Catholic Charities MANA House and Justa Center which both serve homeless Veterans. They remove barriers to getting housing by providing things such essential items, a place to shower, transitional housing, and connecting vets to services to obtain employment.
In addition, Justa Center specifically serves Veterans 55+ and older with transitioning from extended homelessness into independent living.
Also, UMOM is committed to providing services to veteran families in our community struggling with homelessness and has a dedicated team to ensure services are available as needed. Veterans’ families experiencing homelessness and eligible by VA are immediately put into emergency shelter or a hotel and begin receiving individualized supportive services such as help with employment, access to healthcare and permanent housing programs that lead to a life of stability.
Ms West, a veteran from a small community herself, is most passionate about developing relations with Fire Departments in rural areas and Arizona@Work. She is currently excited about bringing VA programs to serve veterans in Vernon, AZ and surrounding remote areas.
JWV Post 619, which meets the third Sunday of every month from September to May, boasts members who represent a wide range of religious affiliations and participates in philanthropic activities to help veterans of all faiths. To learn more about JWV activities and membership, contact Elliott Reiss: [email protected], (480) 802-3281.