Daily Archives: April 23, 2015


Holly Packer and Just 3 Things

It is hard – perhaps impossible – for most of us to imagine a day without enough food to eat. From time to time we’ll declare “I’m starving!” followed by devouring a meal of our choice and settling back with a satisfied sigh. Yet for too many in our country, not having enough to eat…


Stronger Together

Jewish Community Foundation brings Life & Legacy partners together for community’s future Photos by Richard Kasper As partners in Life & Legacy, 12 Jewish organizations and congregations in the Valley are positioning themselves to receive a share of the estimated $59 trillion transfer of wealth projected to take place in the United States by 2052….


Jewish Tucson Presents Your Personal Concierge

When Ori Parnaby first saw the job posting for the Tucson Jewish Community Center concierge position, she laughed along with her sister and said, “That’s not a real job!” Indeed, Ori is one of only a few concierges at JCCs across the United States. “It’s revolutionary!” she exclaims. “It is utterly transforming our ability as…


Biz Ins and Outs

ADL names Jake Bennett Arizona director Jake Bennett, an entrepreneur and former combat soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, was named director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Arizona Regional Office in Phoenix. Jake had served as CEO of Numa Tactical Eyewear since founding the company in 2006; prior to that he was an investment manager in…


Passionate about Baseball & Stats

Marc Appleman, executive director of the Society for American Baseball Research, has always been passionate about baseball. “I fell in love with the game through my dad,” Appleman says. “He was and still is a big baseball and Yankees fan and is very knowledgeable about the game. I also became a big Yankee fan and…


A Personal Essay for Mother’s Day

Having had my mother for only the first five years of my life, I am probably the least likely person to write about mothers. This lack, however, I believe has made me a keen observer. It has also made me continually surprised and awed by the joys and challenges of motherhood. My memories are very…


Students need support in face of anti-Semitic wave

(Originally published in the Jerusalem Report Magazine) Most American Jews are well aware of the alarming upsurge in European anti-Semitism. In fact, Jewish advocacy organizations on this side of the Atlantic have become quite vocal in demanding that European governments combat this spreading scourge. Ironically, when it comes to the rise in anti-Semitism in our…

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