

The Haggadah Collective weaves tradition with uniquely modern elements by Ilene Schneider

Seeking a seder experience that matters The Haggadah Collective weaves tradition with uniquely modern elements in adult and children’s versions. By Ilene Schneider     For Pearl Richman of The Haggadah Collective, Passover evokes memories of setting the table for her mother’s large seders in a small apartment, then creating the same kind of ambiance…


Passover 2020 Survival Guide

The best-known quote from the Pesach Haggadah is, “why is this night different from all other nights?” This year, this quote takes on a whole new meaning. With the pandemic of COVID-19 running rampant, large gregarious family seders will be replaced with small intimate gatherings consisting of those who reside under the same roof. We…


Community seders and more

Beginning with the words: “Let all who are hungry come and eat,” the Passover seder is a journey that recreates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and the great Festival of Freedom with song, story and special festival foods. Here is a listing of some community seders (and other Passover-related events) in the Valley and Tucson….


Caveman at the Seder

Passover begins at the end of this month, and the checklist starts to form with all my to-dos. My biggest focus every year is the food. How do I make Passover healthy for my kids, my husband and myself? For almost two years, I have been eating a more Paleo diet (a diet based on…


Passover: A story of faith and hope

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey but haven’t lived there since 1976, when a college degree, combined with wanderlust, led me to Arizona where I’ve happily remained ever since. I’ve listened to many jokes over the years about being a “Joisey girl.” I’ve tried desperately to lose my Jersey accent, although I never…


New melody and new question for Pesach

Pictured above: Yonatan Razel at the piano, his instrument of choice. Photo by Ohad Romano As I was thinking about the upcoming Passover preparations, two distinct thoughts entered my mind. This year, I want to share two recommendations for Passover. 1) We all have our favorite Passover seder melodies. If we are guests at a…

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